A day in the life.

First thing I do is wake up, go hop in the shower. Then I get out brush my teeth. I get ready for school.

I only have electives which is painting and journalism. So I go to school, And do some painting. And at 8:30

I go to journalism and we right blogs, and have this thing called photography skill’s notebook at 9:35 I go home do what ever homework I need to Catchup. Then I will work on my math and English at home. After I’m done with all that ill do some type of chore. Like dishes, and  cleaning the counters. After that I will go clean my room or just tidy it up. I will practice my guitar for 30 minutes to an hour. And then once I’m done with all of this ill chill around the house get on my xbox. or take a nap and go hangout with some friends. for the rest of the day. thank you